Community Health Updates

Link to story by CTV News by Nicole Lampa – May 21, 2020
“WATERLOO — Those running the COVID-19 assessment and testing centre in Waterloo are offering a service that is making a big difference.
Mohamed teamed up with an area doctor to create the assessment centre, and originally rented a private limo service, but had no way to get there himself.
The K-W 4 Community Assessment Centre has since purchased vehicles to transport people to be tested.
The method is done in order to prevent the spread of the virus on public transit. Nearly 60 people have been transported to and from the clinic so far.
The vehicles are sanitized after each patient and drivers are required to wear PPE.
Mohammed’s wife had stepped in as a driver until Thursday.
“My wife is in the hospital right now,” he said. “She was picked up by an ambulance this morning with chest pains, and my daughter is showing some signs.”
“It’s not going to stop us. We’ll continue servicing whatever it takes.”
Linda Roult has tested for COVID-19 and says the ride is greatly appreciated.
“It was a big relief because otherwise I would have to walk here, which is quite a long ways,” she said. “Or I would have had not had a test, which is not good.”
The Waterloo assessment centre on Westmount Road is open for general population testing, but is still by referral only.”
Nicole Lampa CTV News Kitchener Videographer