Immunizations and Injections
- We can help get your child get up-to-date on their vaccinations. We provide all Publicly Funded Immunizations for children and adults. We are also able to provide TB skin testing.
- If your child requires to catch up on their immunization please bring the schedule from public health department T: 519-575-4400.
- *Please Note: TB testing required for 3rd party physicals, work or volunteering are not covered by OHIP.
- Our doctors are able to provide a full physical for both men and women, including a PAP test if required. We are also able to assist with Ministry Of Transportation Driver’s Physicals and any Third party physicals.
- *Please Note: Driver’s and private physicals are not covered under OHIP.
Travel Consultation and Injections
- If you are going to be travelling in the near future we can help by offering a travel consult. We will give you any information needed about different injections you may need based on the destination you will be visiting.
- *Please Note: Travel consultation is not covered by OHIP
Specialist Referrals
If you are dealing with an issue that may require a specialist, visit the clinic and get a referral to any specialist required.
Smoking Cessation Counseling
Quitting smoking can be challenging, especially without proper information on the quitting process. If you are trying to quit smoking and having difficulty, contact the clinic today for your free smoking cessation visit.
Sick Notes
- Not feeling well today? Visit the clinic to have the doctor assess your symptoms. If required, we are able to provide a doctor’s note for University of Waterloo, Laurier, Guelph, McMasters, Canestoga college, school or work
- *Please Note: Sick notes are not covered by OHIP.